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 twSay2( nRow, nCol, cString, cAttr, _wPicture )
     Display a string on the screen at relative window coordinates
     nRow,nCol in a specified colour or the current window colour in
     the active window. If the string contains ASCII characters 174 '.'
     or 175 '.', the parts of the string enclosed with them will be
     displayed in the Clipper enhanced colour.


     nRow,nCol   - 'N' Relative Window Coordinates.  Both default to 1.

     cString     - 'C' String to be displayed.

     cAttr       - 'C' Clipper colour attribute. Defaults to text
                       colour for the current window.

     _wPicture   - 'C' Clipper Picture String


     Current window handle.


     twSay2( 10, 20, "Press .ENTER. to continue", ;
             "w/b,gr+/r,,,n/w"" )

        'Press' and 'to continue' are displayed in "w/b", but
        'ENTER' is displayed in "gr+/r".

See Also: twLeft() twRight() twCenter() twSay() tw_Say() tw_Say2() tw_ASay()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson